06 Hackers

February 12, 2018Podcast

What’s up, dickweeds! Join us as we talk about the 1995 movie Hackers!

If you want to understand this movie or are looking for some sort of intelligent analysis, you have come to the wrong place. If you want to hear two grown ass people cracking themselves up about really stupid shit, you’ve come to the *right* place.

Don’t be a hapless techno weenie. Listen to this episode.

If you purchase Hackers using either of these links, we will receive a small commission. Thanks friends!

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Transcript coming soon!

Rent or purchase Hackers here!

February 9, 2018I Never Saw That

Hey friends!

Our Hackers episode is coming right up, and we think that means this weekend is the perfect time to watch or re-watch this movie. If you do so using one of these links we will get a small commission, so thank you!!

Amazon                                             iTunes


05 My So Called Life Episodes 5 and 6

February 5, 2018Podcast

Episode 5 is all about women, so in the name of feminism Jen talks over Micah a lot. We cover so many topics in this episode. The standard Pittsburgh goodbye, boobs, sluts, gender identity, and terrible classroom scenes. That dirty Sharon…

If you purchase My So Called Life using either of these links, we will receive a small commission. Thanks friends!

Amazon                                             iTunes

Transcript coming soon!

04 My So Called Life Episodes 3 and 4

January 29, 2018Podcast

It WAS Tino! And Micah is very excited about it. Protect your sodas and join us as we talk about episodes 3 and 4 of My So Called Life, ya wharf rats.

If you purchase My So Called Life using either of these links, we will receive a small commission. Thanks friends!

Amazon                                             iTunes

Transcript coming soon!

03 My So Called Life Episodes 1 and 2

January 22, 2018Podcast

Join us as we discuss the pilot and 2nd episode of Jen’s most anticipated missed pop culture: My So Called Life, and hear her wheeze-laugh the words “animal bag.

If you purchase My So Called Life using either of these links, we will receive a small commission. Thanks friends!

Amazon                                             iTunes

Transcript coming soon!

02 Cool Runnings

January 22, 2018Podcast

Cool Runnings. The BEST MOVIE you guys. This is our first episode. Why did we do the BEST MOVIE for our first episode? It’ll be all downhill from here! Get it? Downhill? Bobsledding? Tune in for more hilarious wit.

If you purchase or rent Cool Runnings using either of these links, we will receive a small commission. Thanks friends!

Amazon                                             iTunes

Transcript coming soon!

01 Montana Transcript

January 22, 2018Transcript

Jen: So, before we delve into the consuming of mid-90s pop culture, which I’m very excited to do,

Micah: Fill in those black holes, pop culture blind spots, if you will?

Jen: Yeah, yup. I thought we should give a little bit of context about what it means when we say that I was sent to Montana, not by choi- or, that I lived in Montana for two years, not by choice. (more…)

I Never Saw That

January 19, 2018I Never Saw That

In 1994, Jen was sent to a “therapeutic boarding school” in The Middle of Nowhere, Montana. (She had some issues.) That meant a lot of things, but one is that Jen missed two full years of popular culture when she was 16-18 years old. Join Jen and her husband Micah and revisit your old faves as they travel back to the mid-90s to watch, listen to, and talk about what Jen missed.

Listen to our first episode to understand what this podcast is about and why we’re time traveling back to the mid-90s.